31 mar 2009

Barcelona's Eiffel Tower?

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From the NEWS section: Barcelona’s Eiffel Tower?

Well, almost.

Barcelona city planners decided at the last minute to stop plans for building Gustave Eiffel’s tower, thinking it would result in an eyesore.

Of course Paris did accept plans for its construction, and the Eiffel Tower served as the main archway for the 1889 International Exposition.

After the Exposition, it appeared that those Barcelona city planners were right after all: the Eiffel Tower was offered for sale as scrap iron. However, we can thank the French army for saving it, when they discovered that this 300 meter-high structure was a great place to stick a communications antenna.

Today, the tower celebrates its 120th birthday and makeover plans include 25 painters who will apply some 60 tons of paint, costing 170 million euros.

Last year, more than 7 million people visited the Eiffel Tower, which has become one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world.

Not bad for what was once considered an edifice worthy of the junkyard.

Eyesore. Engendro, monstruosidad

Scrap iron. Chatarra

Makeover. Lavado de cara

Landmark. Monumento famoso

Junkyard. Chatarrería

Published by: Drew Crosby

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